

where does one put this love
this love so loud that it deafens and echoes
do you lock in it your heart?
sink it down the ocean
or burn it till there's nothing left

where do i hide this love?
this love so bright that it burns the world
this love that is so vast
rivalling the skies
suffocating in its existence

this love
that runs me dry to my bones
that squeezed my tears out of my eyeballs

this love
i had for you
have for you
only you

where do i keep this love
in a heart so fragile that when touched
it shatters
or tucked away from sight
hid inside so far
till one forgets that its there

this love
that rips me apart
teared through my heart

this love
that i held for you
so long
till it breaks me

this loud breathtaking love

this love (for you)
where do i keep this love

© starchaser