

I have loved many,
none loved me back.
or atleast not in the way I wanted.
u see I grew up with books and Anime and fantasies.
and when I came out of my
bubble, the world around was not quite as I imagined it would be.
there were lies and deception.
quite opposite of my conception.
I sincerely believed if you loved others sincerely, if you always spoke what you thought, people will love you back.
how naive, for I didn't know,
relationships are all based on mutual convenience,
and I was always void of any abstinence, too much for anyone's taste.
Little by little , one fall after other, one loss after another,
I think I ve lost my sanity.
call me a sour loser but I have lost faith in humanity.
Now, all I feel is either numbness or mindnumbing pain.
all my prayers gone in vain.
I am done with this arrangement, I shall go back into my shell.
For people are cruel and my heart is slain.
once a blooming flower now a bitter vine with thorns surrounding me, I will forever remain .

© darkmistress