

Masked Whispers: the Unseen Pain Behind Smiles
In the depths of every soul's silhouette,
Lies stories untold, secrets we've kept.
Behind vibrant smiles, tales unseen,
A world of whispers, concealed within.

Beneath the surface, wounds deeply reside,
Buried fragments of pain we strive to hide.
Behind the mask of strength we wear,
A hidden ache, only we are aware.

Oh, the stories that dwell within our hearts,
The unspoken chapters, torn apart.
In the darkness, where secrets reside,
We shield our truths, deep inside.

But let us remember, we're not alone,
In this realm of secrets, we've all known.
The pain we carry, others share too,
A universal bond, me and you.

So let us be mindful, hearts we meet,
For behind each smile, stories do greet.
Embrace the wounded, with gentle grace,
In understanding, connections we embrace.

May we find solace in each other's light,
Guiding one another through the darkest night.
For secrets unspoken, need not remain,
Let compassion and empathy heal the pain.

In unity, we lift the weight we bear,
Opening the wounds that longed for air.
Honoring the stories, unfolding each part,
With love and healing, we mend every heart.

For we are warriors, resilient and strong,
Unveiling our truths, righting every wrong.
No longer shall stories forever be concealed,
But we walk together, our scars revealed.

© Kyier mc
note:Collab with my friend Cici