

Raindrops and me

I was exhausted last night
was carrying some old angusih and sorrows,
was busy fearing for tomorrows ,
And today morning I wanted to sleep more
The wind was trying to slither in my place,
I shut the window and sat silently ,
But it seems like the wind and the raindrops were approaching me to just have a look,
How beautiful the world is beyond
The window was shut but I could hear the raindrops silently kissing the soil.
As I went into the balcony to see whats going on,
I saw my reflection into the pool of rainwater in the dawn,
I was quite and still
The flashback was all about the childhood,
I used to make paperboats,
But now I didn't have time
I didn't have time to make myself childish,
to embrace what I have,
The child in me was lost somewhere.
With all the flashbacks I got awestrucked ;
In the blink of an eye I spread my palms to hold the raindrop
And what I saw it couldn't stop,
It urged to touch the soil ,
taught me the beautiful lesson of life
when holding gets tough just let it go.
This is how I retrieved the old and insane
The crazy and dramatic child of me again .

© Manumishra29