

Love Me

Love me out loud
Love me, like I make you proud
Love me with action
Love me boldly- with passion

Love me with your heart wide open
Love me deeper than any ocean
Love me full blast
Love me, make it last

Love me, wild and free
Love me not changing me-let me be
Left me with the windows open
Love me, let’s make a commotion

Love me help me heal the scars on my heart
Let me hold me tight, so I won’t fall apart
Love me, my imperfections and all
Love me, let us both take the fall

Love me the way I love myself
Love me -not just on the shelf
Love me, bring me lullabies and warm tea
Love me let me sit on your knee

Love me let us share a lifetime in a moment
Love me beyond the grasp of judgement
Love me, linger over my soul
Love me, Let our laughter never grow old

Love me with baggage and all
Love me, let’s risk it all
Love me, wrap me a warm hug
Love me, let me be your love bug

Love me as I already love you
Love me let me know you feel it too

© Mandie H. Lopera