

Can we do friendship?

I see you every day, my heart skips a beat,
Your smile, your grace, so lovely, so sweet.
With every glance, my feelings grow deep,
But I wonder, can we do friendship?

You are my love, my secret crush,
Each time I see you, I feel a rush.
My thoughts are tangled, my words are shy,
I approach you softly and ask, can we do friendship?

Your laughter fills the room with light,
Your presence makes everything right.
I'm drawn to you, like a moth to flame,
With hopeful eyes, I whisper, can we do friendship?

I dream of moments we could share,
Of laughter, joy, and mutual care.
But fear holds me back, my courage slips,
Still, I muster the strength to ask, can we do friendship?

The path of love starts with a single step,
A bond of trust, a promise kept.
With trembling heart and a hopeful sigh,
I stand before you and ask, can we do friendship?

In your eyes, I seek a sign,
A chance for your world to meet mine.
No longer can I hide or pretend,
So here I am, asking you, can we do friendship?


© It's Mihir's property