

Wishing for the end...
Do you ever feel like
You don't want to belong here.

Do you always wish that
The world should come to an end?

Are you like me?
Who is tired of life,
but at the same time
sees opportunities in it?

Do you like me,
Wish that things were different in this world
That you could wish for something, and it would happen?

Do you always wonder
If the world was purposely left to rot by God,
Or if he is real at all?

Do you wonder why,
Some humans don't think right
And instead, do what they say is based in their "Heart"?

Have you always wondered,
when humanity became so stupid?
All in the name of freedom,
They created rights in mundane things,
All the while tearing apart things that are normal, and meant to be.

They make the wise out of the foolish,
and the foolish out of the wise

They rant and mock and sneer at others,
all the while hating themselves inside.

They make people feel bad,
and feel proud while doing it.

They make it seem like this world ain't good living in.

So are you like me? who unlike others, pray for the end?
So that society won't end up killing me, or the world itself.

So that I don't end up throwing myself in hell.

© Naomi Obasi