

Written expression
I love music,
Listening to beautiful symphonies.
Lyrics spun from an artistic mind
I love someone who can make you think
Poets, authors, musicians.
We're all cut from the same cloth
At least the real ones are
We live and breathe our words
Don't get full of yourself
We don't write for you
We just can't handle the Insanity
So we spin mind alerting words
We build fanbases
Based on our Inner demons
Our loves and loses
Our tears molded into your entertainment
But we don't hate you for enjoying our torture
Because we know how crazy life is
We're aware of the pain
It's why we write
Because it helps the crazy
We don't seek to write the insanities away
It just kinda happened
I love books,
Fantastical creations, beautifully pure and fun
Take an hour or a day to lose yourself
Trust me,
A good book will heal your broken emotions
We write for the same reason you read,
We long for these fantastical worlds
Unbelievability is something we dab our quill into
Not because we hate our reality
No it's because sometimes
Escaping your reality turns out to be the key
All problems and issues, pain and sorrow
If you look close enough there's a key hole
It's interesting
How did you never notice it before
We write in hopes of finding the keys we need
I'm hopes that the answer will be in our fantasy
Poetry a short quick expression of ones emotion
A way to explain yourself with ideas
Poetry is the oddest of the three siblings
A direct expression designed to be indirect
Am I wrong?
I love cryptic songs,
forcing me to think and understand
I love a good book,
a fantastical adventure world
for me to search through maybe I'll find a key
I love poetry
a way to quickly express a vast almost
insane idea that plagues my thoughts.
I hope that even if everything else changes
There will always be written expression
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