

The Naturist
In the gentle breeze, I whisper to nature's grace,
As the leaves rustle, they listen to my embrace.
I share my secrets, my hopes, my fears,
And nature responds, in whispers that I hold dear.

The trees sway in rhythm, as if they understand,
The language of whispers, spoken by my hand.
The birds join in, their songs a sweet refrain,
As I confide in nature, my heart feels no strain.

The flowers bloom, as if they're in on the secret,
Their colors vibrant, their whispers so discreet.
I find solace in nature's soothing reply,
A language unspoken, but understood by the sky.

Whispering to nature, a bond that's pure and true,
In its embrace, I find peace, a love that's overdue.
For nature listens, without judgment or strife,
And in its whispers, I find the essence of life.
© Soph