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Whispers of Nature
In the wilderness, a symphony of winds,
Whispers softly through the ancient trees,
Their boughs sway, dancing with the leaves,
As nature's secrets are whispered on gentle breeze.

Behold, the radiant sun, from dawn to dusk,
Bathing the earth in its celestial glow,
Each ray tenderly caresses the land,
Awakening life's splendor, a vibrant show.

Within the streams, a melody cascades,
Murmuring voices of the crystal clear,
Flowing over rocks with gentle grace,
Quenching thirst, wiping away all fear.

The meadows breathe, a tapestry of green,
Dotted with blooms, a painter's delight,
The fragrance of flowers, a sweet perfume,
Inviting dreams to take flight in the night.

Oh, gaze upon the mountains, mighty and grand,
Their peaks piercing through the boundless sky,
They stand as guardians, unwavering and strong,
Whispering tales of earth, wisdom untold, they supply.

Embrace the secrets nature cherishes,
For in her presence, our spirits find release,
Her exquisite beauty, a poetry of the soul,
An eternal hymn that brings us inner peace.
#WhisperingNature #ProofreadRachelWilliams
© Ugly Butterfly Co
© The Ugly Butterfly Co