

in this life
Life makes you happy life makes you sad, life gives you feelings sometimes that you never felt never had.
life makes you love life makes you hate sometimes in life we all make mistakes.
this life is full of evil this life is full of lust I was taught to never trust. to always keep your eyes open sleep with your back against the wall always be prepared for the worst but always be brave and aways stand up big and tall.
never let anyone bring you down always uphold your family fight for what's right and never to bring a knife to a gun fight.
in this life I was taught always have respect try and keep trouble down but don't be weak stand your ground.
in this life you'll meet people who are fake meet people who are dirty snakes. in this life I was taught watch who you choose to be your friends don't let them use you don't let them abuse you. always be the same person everyday don't be like some people and be dirty and fake.
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