

From Broken Pieces to Materpieces
I saw a man draw near
What he had in his hands was shattered
Despised, rejected and lost
He asked,
Is there hope for a broken man?
Is there life for a shattered vessel?
I seen tears flow out
But I heard no noise
He was silent
But I seen much pain inside his heart
In his silence
I saw him in a cave
I saw him in a dry and thirsty land
Searching for life
Searching for an answer
I seen him walking in the night
Hiding from life
I saw a broken vessel in his hands
It was shattered on a cold and lonely night
So I asked is there hope for a broken man?
Is there life for a broken vessel?
He runs and cries
He runs and hides
As I sit here and cry
I realized it was me
I saw my past before me
But now I'm in His hands
What was once broken pieces
Now is a masterpiece in the hands of His maker
And out of it flow rivers of living water
Broken Pieces to Masterpieces
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