

Someone to....
There are times in life, when you really need someone to hold you and give you all the love and support you ever wanted. But that sometimes feelings won't last forever, it just keep breaking your heart ..as you walk to the feeling of street. Many of us fall every time when we see someone admiring or adorable , heart just skip a heart for them but what's next? Is it going to be yours or are your expectations of getting that person will just be a dream, so many questions raised in our mind when we fall for someone but let me tell you one thing this is all a bullshit, feelings are meant to be fade , hearts are meant to be broken, and brain that's the most intelligently fooled person sitting right inside in our head, which drags us to the part of heartache and headache, we know the fact of not getting that loved back but still hopes to...
Let your feelings flow down to the invisible river of your soul , make every second count with the person you love, be the sunshine for everyone you love because we all know the fact that the sun won't last with us 24 hours, be like sun, be like night star , be like the full moon which have only limited time so do you have only limited time make it worth.. make it count.....
If you love someone and you are scared to tell, and you know that the person you love will never nor have any feelings for you so don't let your brain your heart think about it neither creat any scenario in your mind thinking of same... To know love you have to go through pain, because darkness is what brought lights into the world,
Let it go, let it flow,
Let it break , let it hurt
But never lose faith
Never lose hope
Cause that's what makes a human strong..
Love is not everything in life, but it's a part of life, eventually things will comes to you....
If something is meant for you, it will definitely comes to you....