

Old Soul Sea
There is an ocean
Vast, deep
Not of this earth
I found it in my dreams
The waves repeated the name of this ocean:
Only souls as vast and as deep could swim this sea: old, old souls....OLD.
There is a cliff so high, the sun sometimes skims the edge as it settles on the horizon,
sparks splash off the cliff-edge with electric luminosity
Only souls that have risen from a mighty fall can climb the cliff
So high above the sea
Gravity is a weak force compared to
Falling in love

Are you ready?
Hold my hand
We’ll count to three and -

You laugh at me and run before I finish my count...
You leap, blowing me a kiss
You plunge into the waves
You’re so romantic
You’re so cool and brave and foolish
But I am aware:
You knew this ocean too.

We swam it Before, together
In a place
Not of this earth

Us old souls.
And I don't know for certain but
I don't think we ever surfaced.

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