

(don’t) Leave Me Alone
Strong little girl
You really do it all
Wherever you’re needed
You answer the call

Tired or not
Withered and worn
You always step up
For service you’re born

You want to be soft
And not be so vital
A cog in the wheel
A star in recital

You want to slow down
And lighten your load
You always show up
You don’t ever fold

Whatever they need
You give it with pride
Then you get home
Undercover, you hide

Stressed as all hell
Chaos temporarily contained
You lost your sense of self
Sanity fully unmaintained

You don’t want to be touched
You can’t stand to be seen
You crave aloneness more than life
For connection, you aren’t keen

You give to every person
Who walks through your door
You pour into everyone readily
And toss your own needs on the floor

Every single answered call
Every text making your phone chime
Every pull in another direction
Always giving up your time

You get a moment on your own
And don’t know how to deal
You crave distraction all day long
And that’s why you won’t heal

The voice inside your head is quiet
But anyway it’s there
It’s there and trying to speak to you
And you are unaware

The call for you outside yourself
Is louder that your voice
Maybe that’s why you give it all
Don’t you know you have a choice?