

Loneliness is so pathetic.....
It's sad how so many feel so lonely
But even those who are settled down
Tend to still feel some kind of lonesome
To many year's have gone by now
That feeling has faded for me.
Now looking back at my past
I do recall that feeling of being so alone
As well as the will with in to never give up
For I decided to use that empty, loneliness
Only that of a reminder to myself
My will is stronger than any emotional feelings
Far from anyone's who would be selfish or Conceited.
Lonely was only a weakness
Men seemed to try to use it as pity
What I could never understand was
Why can someone who has a
Roof over their head, a bed to sleep in
Sibling or even a Roommate to live with them
Feel so sorry for themselves and use it
Against a girl who truly is alone
With absolutely no home home that she
Calls her own and no bed for her to sleep in
Where she feels safe and not taken advantage Of.
I'm sorry to be so brutally honest when I say
But I don't have any empathy towards this Quarantine, self distancing people feeling so Lonely when I have been alone for so many Years now no one seems to go out of their Way not even to call or write me to ask me if I Am alright or to say they sure do miss me.
I would love for everyone who feels like they Are so alone in the world
To go ahead and swallow it
To get over it and move on.
Cause really... no one really actually cares.