

Hug of Happiness
To pacify a friends' emotionally disturbed heart, To handle the twists and turns of life, We have to try to lend a hand and help each other out, Because living alone is like holding the edge of a knife.
It's like sitting near the sea during a Tsunami.
Life isn't that easy to everyone....it is unique to each person.
For some it is like a happy ride & for some others it is like hell.
But do remember whatever life offers you is a blessing in disguise.
For all the disheartened disappointments you will find Heartful happiness.
But holding an emotionally drained heart and trying to bring a joy to it is the hardest.
Despite all your chaos, be a strong support system , give them your shoulder to lean and holding their hand is something u can gift them.
It needs a lot of courage to do that....And u know what.... Life shapes you that way,that is the beauty of life.
Embrace each and every situation of life🤗🤗
Never leave the person who is suffering,holding a lava of sorrow in their sensitive heart.
You need not make their life colorful but staying with them in their suffering is enough.
Let them push you, scold you,kick you but do your part.... be there for them.
Imagine if it is ur most loved person....it sucks...!!!
That pain is again unbearable.
All I say is Hold on to the person who is suffering though suffering is a phase...give your holding hand to that person.
Stay patient and some day u will have a moment like heavenly bliss😇😇
All at once you will have that Happiness hugging you tighter and tighter.❤❤❤
© C.S.