

Villian, by choice??
You ripped off the bandage from the cut
The cut that was engraved on my soul
Poured acid on top
Turned it into a gruesome wound

Even then I smiled lost in your haze
Hoping the pain would receed slowly
And the world shall not know how much it's grave...

The blood we craved was mine not yours
The viciousness was not a blessing but a curse to behold

My senses were covered from the hues of your lies
The lies you fed me hoping one day they'd suffice
While i drowned into my sorrows and you wished you could measure it with some fake smiles

The black ink kept swallowing me whole while you smirked in absolute delight
"You were yet another lesson" were the words that were left behind
And now I'm a broken mess of tears and sorrow
While you keep making me the villian in every bite you swallow...

© scythe