

A Dream of a Nuclear-War
The night I dreamt of a nuclear-war:
It was hard to believe that humanity even got this far

Before me, I was fixated, on the bookshelf of all my past experiences
And the ones that I wished still to be written and read
Staring at unfinished works in a state of numbness and dread
While my ears rang, the buzzing sound of the fridge from the kitchen filling the silence

But my lips were dry, my eyes were fixated,
My face was bank, and any hope obliviated

Inside me, I was frozen, all dreams and hopes for my future destroyed —
By the knowlegde of the coming and the announced nuclear-war
Filling my mind with despair, knowing that my life had only come so far
While my palms sweat, and the annoucements of the radio blending out into the distance

But outside was bright day light,
The streets empty, and parents telling children that everything was alright

In houses, there were people who in their life made acomplishments
And here was I, not even wanting to live for a very long time
Seeing that my experiences were all mere fiction, and never reality
While all this time I longed to do, and be in a place of nature and people, not isolated totality

But outside the window a white flash cleared the streets,
In a glimpse I managed to turn to it: the white light covering the city in blinding sheets-

© Karl the Disturbed