

Lost Road
When ever I ignored the one,
I regret it as a last minute of my breath,
When ever I tried to make them to hate me,
I regret it as a valuless soul roaming that can't find a way to back there,

I think before I do but now,
it's unless for me and my cursed soul,
I was wondering about the past,
And I felt the guilty without any reason,

Perfectly, I'm not the one who regret for others actions,
But don't know why,
it's only indicates my fault,
wherever I went,

In past,
Just wanted a free and stress-free mind,
But now,
I'm regreting it and,
Want to make my past better with some reasons....

But i can't because I already lost my opportunities,
and that mindset has been lose a while ago.....

Now, I can just say that I lost my road (which means my dreamy future that I wanted for so long)......

© Bhoomika

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