

My eyes snap awake, my waist is full of ache,
My eyes are wet,
I can't bear this tearing pain,
I remember the screams I made when he tore into me,
All he did was glance at me but couldn't stop the heinous act,
Ooh! I abhor this monster,
In a country where justice will never prevail,
I am forced to put all this under the veil,
My world has been upended,my dignity disregarded,
I try peeling myself of the bed,
But I can't my limbs are dead,
I want to question him on why he did that to me,
But my tongue is glued to the floor of my mouth,
I am left gazing at his sad ugly toes,
With anger and pain in my heart,
Aaaah! my world has tilted, the shock I am in is consequently getting stronger,
Someday I'll retaliate,
But for now,
I leave him to the one who humbles kings and raises the poor,
I leave him to God.