

Skin Deep | Soul Deep
In the mirror, she surveys her face,
Each wrinkle, each line a trace
Of years gone by, of youth's embrace,
Skin deep, beauty stripped away.

She clings to potions and youthful creams,
Chasing secrets in her desperate dreams,
But time's cruel touch, it slowly deems,
Skin deep, beauty stripped away.

But what of her soul, her spirit within?
Can she find a way to make beauty win?
To keep her spirit pure, untamed by sin,
To keep her soul beautiful for all time.

She searches the depths of her very soul,
Chasing secrets that make her whole,
For in this quest, she sees the toll
Of years gone by, of time's cruel chime.

And as she delves deeper into her core,
She finds beauty unlike ever before,
A beauty that cannot be stripped, ignored,
A beauty that transcends the sands of time.

For a beautiful woman with an ugly soul,
Is but a facade, a mask in truth's control,
A shell that crumbles, a heart that's cold,
A beauty that's skin deep, and nothing more.

She will always be what she's meant to be,
No matter how hard she tries to flee,
From the truth that lives inside, it's she,
A beauty that comes from within and sets her free.

So let her hold onto her soul's true beauty,
Not just the fleeting beauty of her duty,
For in her essence lies the secret key,
To a unique life, filled with love and authenticity.

In this cyclicality of life's sweet dance,
She finds her role, her purpose, her chance,
To be a woman who embraces her circumstance,
And adds her own touch to the world's expanse.

And so, let skin deep beauty fade away,
For it is the soul's luminance that will stay,
Love, race, empowerment pave her way,
To a life lived fully, in her own unique sway.
© NightSwimThePoet