

Beautifully ugly.

The tears ran down my cheeks
I allowed them to ,
that was the only way to get off this burden,
this time I couldn't control it
so I allowed it devour me
I tried to scream
buy all in vain
maybe after all,this is what I deserved.

I watched myself completely lose
lose all that I had ,
I questioned all my beliefs
but I partly do blame myself
why would I believe that
even after 10 years she would return
they called that faith but turns out
it was stupidity coated with lies
lies to oneself for comfort

I patiently waited ,all day ,all night
I knew you'd knock ,so I left the door open
I heard your voice calling
calling through the night for me
days turned into weeks
weeks into months
and now months into years
but I still anticipated for every knock
each and everytime Hopping it'd be yours
acceptance is the most difficult thing
most difficult emotion to deal with
especially if it's someone you love
and I could feel you drift away from me

what about the plans ,the dreams
what about all these memories
what and where was I to take them
I hate that all these memories keep coming to me
all the daydreams of what life would have been
if you were here with me ,by my side
keeps haunting me
and now I hate that it'll take time
for me to get over you.
© fifi