

inner thoughts
Words are fade.
Minds are sacred.
Skills are special.
The things we do are wonderful.
The things we say are brutal, nice, and faded.
We can't see what's going on in our own mind or skin.
Things are moving faster and faster.
Our minds are going slower and slower everyday.
I can't stress enough about how I look at things and feel like it's going slow.
By the end of the day it feels like it went by faster than I can say good morning.

From the time I wake up and the time I go to bed.
Is the time I wasted doing nothing.
There's a clock in our head which we can't control.
We try, but still fail.
Can't see the things in front of me clearly, but I still move.
I feel the wave of confusion everyday.
The dizziness.
The loneliness.
I can't help the feeling that things aren't the same.
But I can't help the fact that things can't be the same.
I have to keep moving forward.

Things go across my mind everyday.
They come and go.
When I finally stop thinking it's a relief because I won't have to feel the pain in my chest.
That's always there and it will never leave.
And it'll get worse when I'm older.
Or it's just in my head I guess.
Naps work, but can't stay asleep.
Feel the pain when I'm awake and sleep.
It follows me in my dreams.
Can't escape my thoughts either way.

The words that come out are fake.
I smile and it's real until I think.
I smile when people around me; can't really control it.
It's just automatic.
I take deep breaths and when I do it come back all at once, but I process them one at a time.
Not like I would when I'm asleep, but when I'm really thinking about it when I'm awake.