

The pigeon in my balcony
Sitting in my room ,
I look outside.
Wondering about the miracles in the sky,
I see a pigeon flying up high.

Surging its wings ,
It glides down and flutters.
It grooves it's claws on the balcony's railing.
Of course then I didn't bother.

It jumps to the floor,
And waddles till my room's door.
It peers at me for a while.
Blinking rapidly, with a curious eye.

Then back he goes.
Now I ignore.
It's still there when I look again.
But alas, I see it happily nibbling at the plants in fain!

I get up and say hush
Go away,
It flutters its wings and sits on the next pot.
Now I am getting hot.

I bang the door
To scare it a little.
It cocks its head to notice me, as if mocking me,
And then just slightly wriggles .

He nibbles at the leaves,
As if I am not there.
I hold a book and pace towards it.
The vibration forces it to turn to my glare.

Irritated, as if, I am disturbing it
It goes and sits on the railing.
Now I had enough.
'Hush Hush leave I say!'
I gruff.

A sense of accomplishment
Plays in my heart,
As it spreads it's wings apart.
But no, it just flies and sits on the other end.

Now boiling with anger ,
I enact throwing the book on it
It hops up , spreads it's wings , but a
Again, settles in the other corner.

After playing two rounds
Of catch me if you can with me,
The pigeon flies away ,

I phew, He's flown away for better!
But just then I realise,
He has left really disgusting gifts ,
Which I had to clean later!