

Art in Science- Edit 1

Photon flow,
A window paints-
Light the lens-
Tells a story.
Crafted images
Of color and form,
Like, an artist depicts an allegory.
Toluidine tints
Turquoise and blue,
Focusing fine and frail.
Depth in a small, thin slice-
Things thought to be real.
Grids lock in microns,
Measurement scales,
Observe through eyes
Seeking order.
A quest for the truth
In compartmented space,
Made of proteins and
Terpines and water.
Worlds within worlds
Lay sections of life
Wrapped in glass.
Cellular art for a moment-
Visions of life
Made to last.

© Daxyl
to Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek- Father of Microbiology and