

Woeful Lover's

Two lovers who promise never to leave each other,
A sequel they might gather, while rain scatters,
But lately, it's been one woe after another.

Their hearts entwined, once full of bliss,
In tender whispers, they made eternal vows,
Yet fate's cruel hand has thrown them amiss.

The storms of life have battered their shore,
Each trial a tempest, testing their devotion,
But love persists, seeking solace evermore.

Through darkest nights and deepest despair,
They find strength within their joined hands,
For love's flame burns bright, beyond compare.

Together they rise, like phoenix from the ash,
Their bond unbreakable, their spirits mended,
For love's resilience will forever clash.

So let the rain pour and troubles abound,
These lovers hold steadfast, come what may,
For in their hearts, true love shall be found.

© Quite Winter