

Ups & Downs_believe
Am going through the darkest track
There's nothing
except Depression
One moment I feel good
other moment I want to die
how helpless you have made me
I Never realized
my own love
Can be the reason
for me to be wishing for death
as early as possible
Since when this love became poison
I have no idea
only I can help myself
to be out of this obsession
and To Trick my heart
from your thought
I am gonna keep my mind straight
so I might can focus on what matters
for me and my family
as it's clear
you ain't part of my future
so for provision of any kind
that I might need
to survive
to live,
to be out of darkness
to be light
I'm believing
Allah is ENOUGH
just as Marry believed GOD IS ENOUGH FOR SUSTAINCE.

© @Iqra_Yasmeen