

My first provider, protector, instructor & defender.
My lips tug upwards in a smile. Memories of a fond childhood created by you sizzles down memory lane.

My! the first clothes to cover my tender frame you provided. Mine, you call me with a smile. Memories of sitting under the moon light as you tell us of your childhood in our native tongue, sizzles down memory lane.

My father this! My father that! we would always chant when scared, bullied, or threatened. And like a magic wand it worked every time.
O! the first books I ever read, you bought, read & listened to my childish accounts of tales I enjoyed. O dear memory lane!

My! neither did you spare the rod when in finding my path, I erred.
And with love and discipline nutured me to prime.
O! the values you taught, define the woman I have grown to become, the woman I aspire each new day to become. O dear memory lane!

My child you say, no matter how old you grow you are still my child. True! this truth has stood the test of time.
O! the daily sacrifice for my sake, pouring out your life to nuture me. Father! Fondest memory down reality lane.

Father: Okpoko John Ikechukwu.

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