

Time to Move On
Time to Move On

The night was so dark,
The moon was blooming high,
The wind was blowing gentle along with
the rustling of leaves in a breezy night,
and I was sitting nearby the window,
until the dawn to dusk,
with wind in my hair and
deep feeling in my heart,
which aches for to move on in life,
by keeping aside the dark past,
mistakes, worries and queries.

At some moment in past,
there was no one around me, it felt like
I was all alone in a deep dark well,
where I was searching for a beam of light,
to enter into my life,
by forgetting that the inner light within me is
luminous than the silver moon light,
The blooming moon in the sky,
made me to wake up and to move on,
with the ray of hope within me.
_ Athisha

© Athisha