Statue of a Horned Beast.
I was caught unexpectedly
By the assembled Roman guards;
They were waiting for errant plebians
To come strolling stupidly by --
Ones such as myself & my comrades.
We were living through the end times
And Satan & his minions were here,
Ruling earth with a hard heart
And -- not to mention -- iron fists,
With a president commanding them.
He seemed so understanding
And benevolent in the beginning.
However, little by little,
He changed drastically;
His whole demeanor became evil.
A statue of a horned beast
Was erected in his unholy honor.
It was so repulsive that
It turned my blood to ice
Just gazing at it from a distance. . . .
At night -- around a campfire --
We had to pledge our loyalty,
As well as our undying love,
To this acuminous abomination.
I'd rather throw up black blood,
And all the food I'd ever eaten,
Then to commit this unhallowed act;
Then I decided not to obey THEM. . . .
They can't make me bow down,
If they can't find me...
By the assembled Roman guards;
They were waiting for errant plebians
To come strolling stupidly by --
Ones such as myself & my comrades.
We were living through the end times
And Satan & his minions were here,
Ruling earth with a hard heart
And -- not to mention -- iron fists,
With a president commanding them.
He seemed so understanding
And benevolent in the beginning.
However, little by little,
He changed drastically;
His whole demeanor became evil.
A statue of a horned beast
Was erected in his unholy honor.
It was so repulsive that
It turned my blood to ice
Just gazing at it from a distance. . . .
At night -- around a campfire --
We had to pledge our loyalty,
As well as our undying love,
To this acuminous abomination.
I'd rather throw up black blood,
And all the food I'd ever eaten,
Then to commit this unhallowed act;
Then I decided not to obey THEM. . . .
They can't make me bow down,
If they can't find me...