

Feel Bless and Never nothing Less
I must confess my life's filled with stress, all my efforts in trying to build a nest where I'd wish to rest, is congest with people that are always depress, that I should have left, but God sent me on a Quest, to forever and always be at my very best, no matter the context, every challenges in life is a test, to make us stronger and to sustain longer until the next, puddle of struggle that is a mess for us to suppress, always keep the interest to know your true self in order to be your true self to everyone else and never flex, or do things for others to be impress, just do it for the righteousness, and the divine energy will protect you like an armored vest, but through all of the obstacles I never would of guess, my life have been on thin ice, but God allowed me to live twice and continues to give me advice towards everything nice, no more distress, only more bless and never nothing less!!
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