

I'm scared
You said I'm scared, I meant afraid
Maybe it is true..’cos I really think I am!
I am afraid if you look into my eyes
You’ll see my fears and most especially my tears
You’ll see my struggles and my hidden hurdles
You’ll see the lost battles and not the ones I won
You’ll see my faults and blame me the more
You’ll see the pain that weakens my strength
You’ll see the wound that hurts deeper than it should
You’ll see the failure and not the number of times I tried
You’ll see the dreams without a plan
You’ll see the endless smiles and laughter broken into pieces
You’ll see how betrayed I feel
You’ll see my sins and not how much I seeked for forgiveness
You’ll see my vulnerability and still use it against me
You’ll see me and still not recognize me
You’ll see how I feel and lose it.
