

Healing Need
You desecrated me for pleasure and power
When I am to sustain life
You filled my waterway with debris
When I was given to quench thirst
You overkilled my creatures for profit
When they were given to feed hunger
You polluted the atmosphere with chemicals
When I was to provide fresh air for survival
You cut down my forest for developments
When slowly you made food supply dwindle
You thought you could reign me in
When you need to understand I control man

You are now caged by your own reckless design
While I breathe in a sigh of relief
Your smog no longer burns my lungs
The oceans breathes new life
My animals roam free without fear
You condemned my maker
Now you plead to him for mercy
You must realize you are here for a short time
When I will forever live on
Never try to fight my nature
Because without me you cease to exist

© Erma Vince