

shikata ga nai
Shikata ga nai(仕方がない), pronounced [ɕi̥kata ɡa naꜜi], is a Japanese phrase meaning 'it cannot be helped' or 'nothing can be done about it'.At its essence, shikata ga nai (or shō ga nai) really means letting go. It means accepting what you cannot change and doing your best to let it roll off your back. It encourages you to take a step back from the drama in your life and remind yourself, “This won’t matter in five years, or five months (or in some cases, even five weeks), so I’m not going to give it more than five minutes.” And then wash your hands of it.


The blade dulls 
as you try to slice open 

a ripe fruit
you watch the slit of blood 
touch the soft flesh 
and wonder 

'Am I the knife or the fruit today?'

Coffee wafts the room
as the morning peeks through
your window blinds 
an urge bubbles 
within to cocoon 
inside the warmth of duvets

'Get up. You need to get out.'

Traffic centipedes a mile long
a cacophony of urbane living 
pedestrian meanderings 

a bird settles 
for a rest on your side mirror 
and looks knowingly at you 

'Where do you rest, when living is heavy?'

life breezes by in a blink:
type, talk, move, breathe 
static moments 

like a deck of cards
in a shuffle 
until you're home again–

In bed 
it comes in waves:

These ocean of thoughts, 
some days calm 
in others, you are pulled 
in its maelstrom

' what is done, is done. and yet—

I miss so many things I could have
kept close beside me.'


Sleep is just a pause button.
