

make it make sense...
Make, it clear how you truly feel, don't hold it inside let your pride not be the reason you don't, allow your self a opportunity for the life you live to be better because of your best choices,please consider it.
It, rarely has been a need to get away from all the rest of the world not until recently that's a fact that is surreal, given to wanting more has only enough power as you gave wanting is only half of what you'll get.
Make, each and everything that you do be for a reason aimless wandering is unhealthy, it is designed for a mindless being not at all for anyone that is someone if you catch my drift, in my eyes I'm somebody for sure.
Sense, should be common and often it is not so countless have their blinders on and or it's the rose colored lenses they look through then there's the ones that reality has slapped in the face with truth many can't endure.
© NiKishaDWarwick