

If I swelled 100 pills
The pain eventually heals
If I hang from a rope
I'll no longer need to find a way to cope
If I put a hot shot in my vain
No one will ever know my pain
If I inhaled enough carbon monoxide
They'd know I was dying inside
If I jumped off a building head first
No one would know it was me in the Hurst
If I blew off my head with a 45
They'd know I hated being alive
If I stepped in front of a moving train
I would no longer feel like I were going insane
If I slit my wrist with a razor blade
My memory will eventually fade
If I keep on living this way
Dreading to see another day
If I continue to act like I'm brave n strong
Walking around as if nothing's wrong
I won't make it I'll never see tomorrow
My time on earth was only mine to borrow
They'll be fine without me I know they will
They all got hearts of steal
They don't need me now n they won't need me later on
They'll ALL be better off once I'm dead n gone