

Moon and I
There's a vast sky above me
I strech my eyesight to the moon's vastness,
the stolen glimmer of beauty
Does moon ever wonder, if it's not good enough?
If its too flawed to be called eternally pretty
does moon shy away into phases so no one ever takes its light for granted?
I wonder if moon even matters in a place that sprawls till infinity
Do humongous bodies too imagine themselves as specks of dirt?
is this why moon welcomes every meteor and never asks about their intentions
Can scars also be considered as love marks?
and what importance do planets hold, whose exiatence we're unaware of
What importance do I hold, what importance does moon?
what is the purpose of every single body?
who will it affect when one night, the moon doesn't return
who will care, when one morning I don't wake up...

© nervous_system