

mr not so perfect
He said all the well practiced words a girl desires to hear, he knew them all well, and had answers for any question she could ask, it didn't matter to him that most of what he told her was lies as long as she done what he manipulated her to do the things he wanted.
He figured that she would never know the difference, he thought of her as dumb and an easy target .
She didn't need him but, he needed her.
Without her he was nothing , just another loser walking down the dirt road of life looking for another victim .
He will destroy her from the inside just like all the rest..
He will make sure she has nobody to talk to when things start to go bad.
Then isolate her to get better control even if it means going everywhere with her.
All the freedoms are gone
Thats when he will take her self-worth and flush it down the toilet,
Make her see herself as worthless, ugly, useless , and finally she will give up on everything so he will begin to convince her that she is lazy and fat and tell her nobody wants someone like her.
She will begin to think she needs him.
Depression sets in as he starts to talk to other women or staying out later and later.
He ignores her pleas to love her,
Now she finds herself in a dark corner holding her broken heart in her hands trying to figure out what she did wrong , why she was being punished, why when he says he loves her and he's sorry and that she still wants to believe him, almost felt that she owed him everything or something more valuable then she could ever imagine... her life, her precious , priceless life.
© twistedmama