

The favourite colour

Walking down the streets
in the temple with enchanting priests
On holi, the sellers were lined up
to sell the colours barefeet

Looking around, I chose a vendor to buy
Having an honest drip in his eye
His son jumped up in between
Due to which the vendor was a little shy

I smiled as he jumped and swirled
I asked him, 'What's your favourite colour?'
'I like all of them', he giggled
The look on my face was bizzare

He said, 'If I'll choose one
I'll lose importance of the other one
And then others too'
Now the life lesson has just begun

Life is not only happy like yellow,
peaceful like white and blue as sorrow
Dark reality is black but love is red
There are so many emotions to follow

We can't choose one but 'all of them'
Each one of them is like a gem
That's why there's no happiness
If there's no death to be condemn

#Happyholi #Festivalofcolours

© RM