

Life in Shades
Setting times straight on a white sheet. A background of varying colors, accenting the lines in shades of black and white, painting out stories of time past.

A canvas called life is left clear and transparent, our life starts taking form in little smears. Colors of happiness and joy
sadness and pain
disappointment and regret
satisfaction and love

Sprayed upon the canvas of our life.
Brushes stringed to unforgiving hands, stripping ourselves in hurt, bad judgement, and some other blacks of life but on that bright side the satisfaction and reward of never giving up, never letting the brush fall, and even when it falls, dipping your hands into the paint by putting your life in control.

And the everlasting result comes when the beauty of your contour seems to hold your breath in place, in that one moment, never doubt yourself for a second, and when the time comes to leave it unfinished since we never seem to finish our businesses on earth know that it was worth the effort
© Ammfak