

We don't even have the ability to even do a sujood in obeyance of our Rab .
Yet every time when we stand infront of HIM with the submissiveness and humility surrendering ourselves to his will we often forget that it was not us
IT WAS HIM.....the blessings that he bestowed by making us obey HIM even with all our faults and sins that we commit.
IT WAS HIM ...who despite of our shortcomings made us among those blessed who submits to the will to the commands of LORD OF THE WORLDS.
What the past though it may be not one of those that we rejoice on remembering has thought me is....
How much of a great blessing it is for us to stand infront of ALLAH ... every single sujood that happens it is indeed a mercy of HIM to his slaves.
"And MANKIND was created weak."