

My Cup Oh Runs Frozen
That cup. Slurpee
was flying and who
does it hit but
The lady in gold
an she mad and yells
and runs down the street
with upset in her heart
cause people got there ways
about which makes her job
much harder
So she makes a
a party to. get to know
her town. and everyone
changes. there minds
after they eat the foods she
makes. oh it was everything
and anything which you
could image.
So it's a hit
Then she opens her own
fast food place
And people from all over
come an eat.
But just like that mishap
with the Slurpee
Things don't always go well
An one more bad time happened
You see her
outfit as a chef was
gold and she went into
her store room
freeze. But she should
not have went alone
So how she got locked
in and they never looking in there
until the place closed
So. All they saw was her in gold
And one of her old workers says
anyone for popsicles
he had bad taste in jokes at wrong

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