..Bird in Cage..
The day I was born I was caged,
in these bars of his aspirations and Expectations,
And his hopes were my wall,
I was not supposed to leave any void,
& muse such words like "dreams".
My voids were Poured with his hopes,
& Dreams stuffed in these spaces.
With every dream I saw,
My feathers found its justice,
Untill his Great words of disapproval knocked at my Gate,
in these bars of his aspirations and Expectations,
And his hopes were my wall,
I was not supposed to leave any void,
& muse such words like "dreams".
My voids were Poured with his hopes,
& Dreams stuffed in these spaces.
With every dream I saw,
My feathers found its justice,
Untill his Great words of disapproval knocked at my Gate,