

Stand for Something or fall for Everything
Stand for the truth or fall for anything, if you fall for anything then you fall for everything.

The word of God is the only book that speaks truth, anything and everything else is half stepping, pushing the “Whatever feels good to you”.

Acceptance is so easily Accepted, blows my mind how rebellion comes so easy, but to do the right thing and stand for what's clean is too hard or so it seems.

We are all guilty one way or the other of being embarrassed to speak on the right thing, cause to go against the stream and be your own being is “shameful” and “embarrassing”

Who set that thought in motion, I couldn’t tell you, but I remember the very feeling of letting God down, cause I wanted to be accepted, one of the crowd.

We look at the outside of humanity, afraid to look too deep cause if i see
you then its a probability that you see me!

To call into claim or stand for anything rational would be a suicidal mission or so i tell myself.

Reality is no one cares enough to give direction,
then they surely don't give a darn about passing judgement. Their lips flap because they lack understanding, so they bully and become demanding.

Ever interfering in other people's lives, staying around long enough to inject arguing and strife. But when push comes to shove and you're in more than you can handle they are gone with the wind itching to spread a scandal.

So again I say take your stand, ask God to bring to remembrance your purpose in life, don't worry about the little things that have haunted you day and night.

The yester years that only produced sadness and tears, have long been bought and high was the cost.

Taken upon himself the unfairness you were dealt, the darkness you were swaddled in no longer exists. He gave his life at 30 so you and I could be.

Whether it be addiction to this and that, or you just can't let go of the thought of letting go, Jesus says “Come as you are”, do you think he is tripping on the little things? Then he wouldn't be God he'd be just another me.
Forgiven are the past sins and the restraints of guilt no longer exist, He says to “Trust in Him with all your heart, mind and soul, that means there is no room for all the Old that cluttered your soul.

Being free is a choice only you can make, but I warn you when you decide to come to Christ make sure it's your decision for life, cause if you go back to the world the Devil names you a traitor first to him then to our saviour.