

If it isn't a bond
If it isn't a bond then let it be gone.
I don't want it to sever let the expiration on that sort of thing be never.
Don't allow me to show my heart just for you to depart.
They call it insecurities I prefer the term smart.
If I foresee a fate of torment my heart it goes dormant.
If it isn't bond then lets cut to the chase.
I'm in a race I shall not wait I'll leave you behind.
I'll allow my feelings to commit a magical act.
They'll disappear just like that!
If it isn't a bond then I must ask why?
Did I not try?
Or was it all you?
Did I see something that was not there?
Does reality state that you never really cared?
If it isn't bond I'm cutting ties.
As we separate taking our own rides on separate routes.
I won't cry I put all affection to the side.
Because if it isn't a bond it's better off gone.
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