


Feelings too much to comprehend.
But feelings shall be put to words.

In the midst of my pain, she comforted me, keeping me sane.
Breakdowns kept on coming, but she helped me overcome them.
Drowning in to the depts of depression but she never gave up on me.
She struggled to let me live even though she wasn't living.
Gave up her desires just to fulfill mine.

Her pains became hidden to the world but I could see through her, how her pains and worries eats her up.

She bleed fire, just to make me feel better.
She loves me, like no one else.
She fights for me even when I am wrong.
So is the love she has for me.
One day, I pray I would be able to fulfill the dream she has seen for me,
Make her pains vanish into the mist.
Leaving her to blossom with happiness.
For she deserves nothing more than happiness, love, and peace.
© kaya N

Dedicated to my mom.
Happy birthday to beautiful mom, wish you you the peace you deserve, wish you more of success mama, I love you so much ❤️🥰more than you can ever think of maa❤️