

Resilient Valor: A Warrior's Tale
In the quiet hush of twilight's embrace,
Stands a warrior with unwavering grace. Through tempests fierce and shadows deep,
A soul steadfast, its vigil to keep.

Three battles fought, yet courage unyielding,
In each moment's breath, a spirit revealing.
Like a mighty oak, weathered, yet strong,
In the face of storms, it sings its song.

Tomorrow's dawn brings a new fight,
A symphony of hope in the darkest night. Surgical blades meet a spirit's glow,
Guided by love's steady, gentle flow.

May angels whisper soft upon his ear,
Songs of healing, dispelling every fear.
In the tapestry of time, his journey weaves,
A legacy of valor that forever cleaves.

Though shadows loom, his spirit soars high, Touching hearts, painting the limitless sky.
For in his battle, we find our own might
A testament to the power of human light.

© Deifi Lyngdoh