

My scarred heart of black and blue
I wasn't always this way, my heart a multicolored remembrance of true pain and sorrow, a scarred heart of black and blue, the love and happiness held and shared just long enough to regard it as a need disappeared as if it never existed.

I now believe love and happiness to be nothing more than a a mirage, or possibly a tool a lesson or warning.

Making you aware when the polar opposite is nearing, when pain, horror, sadness, emptiness, or loss is around the corner.

I presume trying to recognize one without first knowing the other would be difficult, knowing one extreme gives a kind of understanding of the other I think.

Love and happiness come and go, small lightning strikes in the cloudy sky that is my life. Never sticking around long enough to leave a trace it ever existed.

Horror, pain, suffering, loss, emptiness these are real, real enough to leave scars on my heart, my scarred heart of black and blue..

A lasting memorial of the utter tragedy that's been my life, they linger, in some instances digging in and making a forever home deep within your soul. No euphoria to cloud your judgement, there raw and real most definitely a profound proclamation they are reality.

True love true happiness, these are the dream, that particularly frustrating never ending dream promising that which you so desperately need but placing it forever just out of reach. Comfort food to the inexperienced mind. Running scared in the dark, the life saving light in a room down a hall that seems to grow and stretch in spite of your best efforts to reach safety and sanity. Futility at its best.

A scarred heart of black and blue... That's mine to keep and call my own, a life full of hard lessons the majority of which taught and received due to no will or choice of my own. It is what it is, its gonna be what it'll be. Hope for the best, and expect the worst, but you'll never be truly prepared for that stabbing pain, but you will learn how to see it coming after experiencing enough of it, when your heart is scarred black and blue.
© Aaron A. Laszlo