

It's been raining for hours,
Admired its misty view from the window,
Could hear the wind and the showers,
While you lay your head on my pillow

As raindrops fall, a symphony of sound,
They tap gently on the roof, their rhythm profound,
In the evening gloom, a cool embrace,
I admire the misty view, lost without a trace.

Through the window pane, a mystical sight,
Raindrops dance, painting a canvas of delight,
The world outside, a blur of gray and green,
Nature's masterpiece, a sight to be seen.

I hear the wind whisper through the trees,
Its gentle breath, a soothing melody on the breeze,
And with each gust, the rain cascades down,
Drumming on the ground, a harmonious sound.

As you lay your head upon my pillow,
In this cozy retreat, a sanctuary we billow,
Together we find solace, warmth, and respite,
In the lullaby of rain, as we drift through the night.

The pitter-patter on the rooftop, a lullaby song,
A tranquil serenade that carries us along,
With each drop that falls, a tale untold,
Of love, of dreams, of stories yet unfold.

The rain-soaked earth, a fertile embrace,
Nourishing the life that it does grace,
The scent of petrichor, earthy and sweet,
Filling the air, a fragrance truly complete.

As the rain continues its tender descent,
Nature's tears mingle with the earth, content,
In this cozy haven, side by side we lay,
Finding solace in the rain's gentle sway.

And as we drift into a world of dreams,
The pitter-patter of rain, like a soothing stream,
We find peace in the symphony of the night,
With rain as our lullaby, embracing it with delight.

So let the rain fall, a gift from the sky,
Bathing us in its love, as time passes by,
In this moment of serenity, our hearts entwined,
Raindrops and whispers, a love that is kind.

For in the midst of rain's tender descent,
Lies a beauty that words simply can't represent,
As we lay together, nature's embrace on display,
The rain sings our lullaby, carrying us away.

© Jolly